Friday, February 6, 2009

Exercise Walk aka 5K Update


Hi Fellow Exercise Walkers:

Several have expressed an interest in working to develop this ministry. All are welcome. We need all the help we can get from all quarters.

We are also getting some networking going here and some of the "field telephones" (cell phones) are now in operation, so we can proceed better equipped from this point forward.

The "Exercise Walk" (and we are thinking of using that term as an alternative to 5K, for the reason that the word itself, 5K, may scare off some less able folks who need this exercise more than anyone,) is on a roll.

We want the message to clearly be that no matter how much of a beginner you are, even if you can only walk a block, WE WANT YOU, MOST OF ALL. Everyone has to start somewhere, and we want to be there for those who need us the most. The athletes among us are great role models, but they need this program the least, though they too also need it.

Thus the "newbies" are the focus of our attention. There is hardly a person among us who can't walk a block if he, or her, doctor says they can, and we want as close to 100% participation as possible.

The whole course takes less than an hour, so everyone can spare that much time to save their lives. 

However, nothing is set in stone so this program can change as need be to serve our fellow losers. We can look at changing any of the parameters if we get together and decide on something better. We are willing to do just about anything to move forward, but want to make sure that people really want to do it, hence we need to get ourselves together, and develop some leadership from within our ranks. Anyone who wants to do a little bit more, please contact us.

It is crucial that all start at the same time, unless there are stragglers which is OK, and we don't want to discourage someone who arrives late, but starting early is not OK, as we have to have some set-points here. Therefore, the Whistle will blow and off we will go in a spirit of togetherness. After that people have different speeds and they tend to string out, and that is OK. Just try not to walk alone. Latch onto someone or some group of a few and hang in with them, enjoying the brotherhood and sisterhood of communing with God in the midst of His creation.

There are a long list of possible things we can do, as we move along, including of course actually Losing to Live. But things always have to start somewhere. So help us to jump start this area of our effort. Excercise is truly the weakest part of most people's struggle with weight.

There will also be available a new version of The Exercise Walk - 5K Brochure developed so that it will also make a good recruiting tools to get new people into the LTL program. So, feel free to make copies of it and pass them around to all the people you run across in your daily life. Try to hand them out wherever you can. God Willing, we will take this thing to the next higher level.

As to Maps: We will have them available at each walk start. 

Lastly, and for sure we are leaving something out, we always do, there is this website, www.FitnessClub.Blogspot.Com is where we intend to Post everything we create, so there is some permanent place of encouragement for all our "stuff." Anyone who wants to work on the website let us know.

Another point: We would never want to say we are just focusing on youth, because we don't see any age limits to participating in the 5K challenge. What we want to do is help people of all ages and sizes set high, yet achievable, personal goals for themselves, and then meet those goals.

That being said, we are attaching a draft of an idea for an initial assessment; a weekly plan for physical/mental and spiritual focus, and some points that would cover each person's story. 

We need to plot our alternative courses and any help in doing this will be appreciated. 

After thinking, and praying, about the whole thing a bit more, it would be best to recruit a small group (8-10 max) to work on this in a more intensive way. The way most of us are wired, is that we really need to invest some personal time into participants, like a mentoring thing.

When more folks step up to help with the challenge as leaders, then maybe we could accommodate more participants. but the intent is for participants to feel connected and supported and that is not possible with a too-large group to leader ratio.

The thinking is we should meet sometime soon, just us and the other folks who have expressed interest in helping as leaders to make an integrated plan and schedule for everything.

We just need more leaders to make this more effective, our work has just begun.

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